Click a year below to view publications for that year.
* indicates undergraduate student author
+ indicates graduate student author
Publications by Year
Haag, W.R., A.K. Burrow, T.P. DuBose, and S.J. Price. 2024. A broadly applicable, objective freshwater mussel assemblage health index (MAHI). Freshwater Science 43:140-168. link
Price, S.J., R.N. Davenport+, L. Sherman+, J.L. Larkin, J. Cox, J.C. Newman, and C. Barton. 2024. Response of Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) to the forestry reclamation approach on legacy surface mines in the Monongahela National Forest (West Virginia). Ecological Restoration 42:105-107.
Samek, I.*, S.J. Price, T. Terhune, and D.J. McNeil. 2024. Habitat associations of six-lined racerunners in longleaf pine managed with a short fire rotation for northern bobwhites. Ecosphere 15:e70126 pdf
Samek, I.*, A. Randall+, M. Springer, S.J. Price and D.J. McNeil. 2024. Geographic Distribution. Aneides aeneus. Herpetological Review 55:38
Snyder, B.+, C. Barton, M. Lacki, S.J. Price, and Z. Hackworth. 2024. Bat Activity on High Elevation Reforested Coal Mines in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Ecological Restoration 42:108-122.
Sherman, L.+, C.D. Barton, J.C. Guzy, R.N. Davenport+, J.J. Cox, J.L. Larkin, T. Fearer, J.C. Newman and S.J. Price. 2024. Wetland creation and reforestation of legacy surface mines in the Central Appalachian Region (USA): A potential climate-adaptation strategy for pond-breeding amphibians. Water 16:1202. pdf
Greene, K.+, J. Van Cleve, and S.J. Price. 2023. Salamander movement propensity resist effects of supraseasonal drought. Ichthyology and Herpetology 111:109-118. pdf
Hutton, J.+ , S.M. Richter, and S.J. Price. 2023. Inter- and intra-specific dietary overlap in predacious bi-phasic salamanders. Hydrobiologia 850:2461-3480. pdf
Davenport R.N.+, M. Weaver, K.C.B. Weiss, and E.G. Strauss. 2022. Spatiotemporal relationships of coyotes and free-ranging domestic cats as indicators of conflict in Culver City, California. PeerJ 10:e14169
Ladner. J.T., J.M. Palmer, C.L. Ettinger, J.E. Stajich, T.M. Farrell, B.M. Glorioso, B. Lawson, S.J. Price, A.G. Stengle, D.A. Grear, and J.M. Lorch. 2022. The population genetics of the causative agent of snake fungal disease indicate recent introductions to the USA. PLOS Biology. link to article
Newman, J.C., B. Dalton, L.A. Williams and A.D. Cameron. 2022. Aneides aeneus (Green Salamander). Interspecific interactions. Herpetological Review 53:276-277. PDF
Newman, J.C., E.A. Riddell, L.A. Williams, M.W. Sears and K. Barrett. 2022. Integrating physiology into correlative models can alter projections of habitat suitability under climate change for a threatened amphibian. Ecography: e06082 link to article
O’Brien, A.E.*, A.A. Stewart* and S.J. Price. 2022. Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-lined Salamander). Death Feigning. Herpetological Review 53:97-98 Contact authors for PDF.
Price, S.J. 2022. Mink Frog, Lithobates septentrionalis. J. Kapfer, E.R. Wild and D. Brown, (eds.), Amphibians and Reptiles of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press.
White, D.E.J.+, W.R. Haag, M.A. McGregor, and S.J. Price. 2022. Effects of food abundance on juvenile freshwater mussel survival and growth in aquaculture, and comparison with growth in streams. Aquaculture 560: 738473. link to article
Davis, A.G., W. Leuenberger, A.N. Drayer, S.J. Price. 2021. Activity, movements, and microenvironment associations of Siren intermedia (Lesser siren) in a western Kentucky wetland complex. Northeastern Naturalist. 28: 114-126. PDF
Haag, W.R., J.J. Culp, A.N. Drayer, M.A. McGregor, D.E.J. White +, and S.J. Price. 2021. Abundance of an invasive bivalve, Corbicula fluminea, is negatively related to growth of freshwater mussels in the wild. Freshwater Biology. 66: 447-457. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13651 PDF
Gadd, S.J.*, J.M. Hutton+ and S.J. Price. 2021. Diet of the southern ravine salamander Plethodon richmondi. Herpetological Bulletin. 158:11-15. PDF
Hutton, J.M.+, A.D. Macedo+, S.C. Richter, R.W. Warne and S.J. Price. 2021. Does the non-lethal gastric lavage method affect subsequent feeding behavior in adult and larval Plethodontid stream salamanders? Herpetological Review. 52 (3), 511-516. PDF
Hutton, J.M.+, S.J. Price, S.C. Richter, and C.D. Barton. 2021. Diet composition: A proximate mechanism explaining stream salamander declines in surface waters with elevated specific conductivity. Global Ecology and Conservation. 29: e01719. PDF
Lambert, M. +, A.N. Drayer, W. Leuenberger, S.J. Price, and C. Barton. 2021. Evaluation of created wetlands as amphibian habitat on a reforested surface mine. Ecological Engineering. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106386. Contact authors for PDF.
Lorch, J.M., S.J. Price, J. S. Lankton, and A.N. Drayer. 2021. Confirmed cases of snake fungal disease in museum specimens from the USA as early as 1945. Emerging Infectious Diseases. PDF
McKenzie, J. M. +, S. J. Price, G. M. Connette, S. J. Bonner and J. M. Lorch. 2021. Effects of snake fungal disease on short-term survival, behavior, and movement in free ranging snakes. Ecological Applications. 31(2):e02251. 10.1002/eap.2251 PDF
Wade, B. S., B. H. Kemp, M. S. Vininski, R. D. Denton, S. C. Richter, A. N. Drayer, S. J. Price, B. H. Holt, K. G. Hutcheson, and B. M. Fitzpatrick. 2021. Kleptogenesis in Kentucky: Genetic analyses of unisexual Ambystoma at the southernmost extent of their range. Herpetological Review. 52:730-734 Contact authors for PDF.
Zhang W., S.J. Price, and S.J. Bonner. 2021. Maximum likelihood inference for the band-read error model for capture-recapture data with misidentification. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 28:405-422. DOI:10.1007/510651-021-00492-6. Contact authors for PDF.
Contreras, M., W. Staats+ and S.J. Price. 2020. Predicting and mapping Plethodontid salamander abundance using LiDAR-derived terrain and vegetation characteristics. Forest Systems. 29:e005. DOI: 10.5424/fs/2020292-16074 PDF
Drayer, A.N., J.C. Guzy, R. Caro+ and S.J. Price. 2020. Created wetlands managed for hydroperiod provide habitat for amphibians in western Kentucky, USA. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 28:543-558. DOI: 10.1007/s11273-020-09730-3 PDF
Drayer, A.N., J.C. Guzy, and S.J. Price. 2020. Factors influencing the occupancy and abundance of Ambystoma barbouri (Streamside Salamander) in Kentucky streams. Journal of Herpetology. 54: 299–305. PDF
Hutton, J.M.+, S.J. Price, S.J. Bonner, S.C. Richter and C.D. Barton. 2020. Occupancy and abundance of stream salamanders along a specific conductance gradient. Freshwater Science. 39:433-446. DOI: 10.1086/709688 PDF
Tomke, S.A.+, Kellner, C.J. 2020. Genotyping validates the efficacy of photographic identification in a capture‐mark‐recapture study based on the head scale patterns of the prairie lizard (Sceloporus consobrinus). Ecology and Evolution. 00:1– 11. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7031 PDF
Arant, P.L.+, D. White+ and S.J. Price. 2019. Diadophis punctatus (Ring-necked Snake) and Storeria occipitomaculata (Red-bellied Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 50:292. PDF
Leuenberger, W., A. G. Davis, J. M. McKenzie+, A. N. Drayer and S. J. Price. 2019. Evaluating snake density using Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) telemetry and spatial capture-recapture analyses for linear habitats. Journal of Herpetology. 53:272-281. PDF
McKenzie, J.+, S.J. Price, J. L. Fleckenstein*, A. N. Drayer, G.M. Connette, E. Bohuski and J. M. Lorch. 2019. Field diagnostics and seasonality of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in wild snake populations. EcoHealth. 16:141-150. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-018-1384-8 PDF
Stengle, A., T. Farrell, K. Freitas, C. Lind, S. Price, B. Butler, T. Tadevosyan, M. Isidoro-Ayza, D. Taylor, M. Winzeler and J. Lorch. 2019. Evidence of vertical transmission of the snake fungal pathogen Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 55:961-964. PDF
Agha, M.+, B.D. Todd, B. Augustine, J. M. Lhotka, L. J. Fleckenstein*, M. Lewis*, C. Patterson, J.W. Stringer and S.J. Price. 2018. Effects of gap-based silviculture on thermal biology of a terrestrial reptile. Wildlife Research. 45:72-81. DOI:10.1071/WR17110 PDF
Hutton, J.M.+, R. Leloudis and SJ Price. 2018. Desmognathus welteri cannibalism. Herpetological Review. 49:296.
Hutton, J.M.+ and S.J. Price. 2018. Ambystoma barbouri. Predation. Herpetological Review. 49:89. PDF
Hutton, J.M.+ and S.J. Price. 2018. Eurycea bislineata. Oophagy. Herpetological Review. 49:90-91. PDF
Hutton, J.M.+, S.J. Price and S.C. Richter. 2018. Diet of the Black Mountain Salamander (Desmognathus welteri) in Southeastern Kentucky. Herpetological Review. 49:12-19. PDF
Guzy, J.C., E.A. Eskew, B.J. Halstead and S.J.Price. 2018. Influence of damming on anuran species richness in riparian zones: A test of the serial discontinuity concept. Ecology and Evolution. 8:2268-2279. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3750 PDF
Miller, D., E. Grant, E. Muths, S. Amburgey, M. Adams, M. Joseph, J. H. Waddle, P. Johnson, M. Ryan, B. Schmidt, D. Calhoun, C. Davis, R.Fisher, D. Green, B. Hossack, T. Rittenhouse, S. Walls, L. Bailey, S. Cruickshank, G.Fellers, T. Gorman, C. Haas, W. Hughson, D. Pilliod, S. Price, A. Ray, W. Sadinski, D. Saenz, W. Barichivich, A. Brand, C. Brehme, R. Dagit, K. Delaney, B. Glorioso, L. Kats, P. Kleeman, C. Pearl, C. Rochester, S. Riley, M. Roth, and B. Sigafus. 2018. Quantifying climate sensitivity and climate driven change in North American amphibian communities. Nature Communications. 9:3926 PDF
Murphy M.O.+, K. Jones, S.J. Price, D.W. Weisrock. 2018. A genomic assessment of population structure and gene flow in an aquatic salamander identifies the roles of spatial scale, barriers, and river architecture. Freshwater Biology. 63: 407-419 DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13071 PDF
Price, S.J., S.B. Freytag+, S.J. Bonner, B. Muncy+, A.N. Drayer, J.M. Hutton+ and C.D. Barton. 2018. Mountaintop removal mining alters stream salamander population dynamics. Diversity and Distributions. 24:1242-1251. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12760 PDF
Relyea, R.A., P.R. Stephens, L.N. Barrow, A.R. Blaustein, P.W. Bradley, J.C. Buck, A. Chang, J. P. Collins, B. Crother, J. Earl, S. S. Gervasi, J. T. Hoverman, O. Hyman, E. Moriarty Lemmon, T. M. Luhring, M. Michelson, C. Murray, S. Price, R.D. Semlitsch, A. Sih, A.B. Stoler, N. VandenBroek, A. Warwick, G. Wengert, and J. I. Hammond. 2018. Phylogenetic patterns of trait and trait plasticity evolution: Insights from amphibian embryos. Evolution. 72:663-678. DOI:10.1111/evo.13428 PDF
Spaulding, S.H.+, J.J. Cox, T.A. Maigret+, A.N. Drayer, J.M. Richards and J. Treanor. 2018. Low-level Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis detection persists in Plethodontid salamanders following timber harvest in Kentucky, USA. Herpetological Review. 49:258-262. PDF
Agha, M.+, S.J. Price, A. J. Nowakowski, B. Augustine and B.D. Todd. 2017. Mass mortality of eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina) due to upper respiratory disease and associated with atypical cold temperatures and Ranavirus. Diseases of Aquatic Animals. 124:91-100. Contact author for PDF.
Agha, M.+, A.L. Smith, J.E. Lovich, D. Delaney, J.R. Ennen, J. Briggs, L.J. Fleckenstein, L.A. Tennant, S.R. Puffer, A. Walde, T.R. Arundel, S.J. Price and B.D. Todd. 2017. Mammalian mesocarnivore visitation at desert tortoise burrows in a wind farm. Journal of Wildlife Management. 81:1117-1124. PDF.
Drayer, A.N., K.L. Sena+, C.D. Barton and D.M. Andrews. 2017. Long-term response of stream and riparian restoration at Wilson Creek, Kentucky USA. Ecological Restoration. 35: 246-254. PDF
Hutton, J. M.+ and T.W. Pierson. 2017. Eurycea bislineata. Nest guarding. Herpetological Review. 48:826. PDF
Hutton, J.M. +, S.J. Price and S.C. Richter. 2017. The diet of the Cumberland Plateau salamander (Plethodon kentucki) in an old growth forest of southeastern Kentucky. The American Midland Naturalist. 178: 144-150. PDF
Price, S.J. 2017. Book Review: Amphibians and Reptiles of Land Between the Lakes. Herpetological Review. 48:238-239.
Todd, B.D., A.J. Nowakowski, J.P. Rose and S.J. Price. 2017. Species traits explain sensitivity of snakes to human land use estimated from citizen science data. Biological Conservation. 206:31-36. PDF
Bonner, S.J., M.R. Schofield, P. Noren and S.J. Price. 2016. Extending the latent multinomial model with complex error processes and dynamic Markov bases. Annals of Applied Statistics. 10:246-263. PDF
Drayer, A.N. and S.C. Richter. 2016. Physical wetland characteristics influence amphibian community composition differently in constructed and natural wetlands. Ecological Engineering. 93:166-174. PDF
Grant, E.H.C., D.A.W. Miller, B.R. Schmidt, M.J. Adams, S.M. Amburgey, T. Chambert, S.S. Cruickshank, R.N. Fisher, D.M. Green, B.R. Hossack, P.T.J. Johnson, M.B. Joseph, T. Rittenhouse, M. Ryan, J.H. Waddle, S.C. Walls, L.L. Bailey, G.M. Fellers, T.A. Gorman, A.M. Ray, D.S. Pilliod, S.J. Price, D.Saenz and E. Muths. 2016. Quantitative evidence for the effects of multiple drivers on continental-scale amphibian declines. Scientific Reports. 6:25625. PDF
Kirchberg, J.*, K.K. Cecala, S.J. Price, E.M. White and D.G. Haskell. 2016. Evaluating the impacts of small impoundments on stream salamanders. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 26:1197-1206. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2664 PDF
Lorch, J. M., J. S. Lankton, S. Knowles, K. Michell, J. L. Edwards, J. M. Kapfer, R. A. Staffen, E. R. Wild, K. Z. Schmidt, A. E. Ballmann, D. Blodgett, T. M. Farrell, B. M. Glorioso, L.A. Last, S. J. Price, K. L. Schuler, C. E. Smith, J. F.X. Wellehan Jr., and D. S. Blehert. 2016. Snake fungal disease: An emerging threat to wild snakes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 371:20150457. PDF
Murphy, M.O.+, M. Agha+, T.A. Maigret+, S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2016. The effects of urbanization on body size of larval stream salamanders. Urban Ecosystems. 19:275-286. PDF
Murphy, M.O.+, S.J. Price, P.M. Hime+, A.N. Drayer and D.W. Weisrock. 2016. A review and comparison of common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) capture methods and the description of a new trap design. Herpetological Review. 47:575-578. PDF
Oldham, C.+, J.L. Fleckenstein*, W. Boys*, and S.J. Price. 2016. Enhancing ecological investigations of snakes with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) telemetry. Herpetological Review. 47:385-388. PDF
Price, S.J., B.L. Muncy+, S.J. Bonner, A. Drayer and C.D. Barton. 2016. Effects of mountaintop removal mining and valley filling on the occupancy and abundance of stream salamanders. Journal of Applied Ecology. 53:459-468. PDF
Todd, B.T., J.P. Rose, S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2016. Using citizen science data to identify the sensitivity of species to human land use. Conservation Biology. 30:1266-1276. DOI:10.1111/cobi.12686 PDF
Wetzel, W.C., R.M. Screen, I. Li, J. McKenzie+, K.A. Phillips, M. Cruz, W. Zhang, A. Greene, E. Lee, N. Singh, C. Tran, and L.H. Yang. 2016. Ecosystem engineering by a gall-forming wasp indirectly suppresses diversity and density of herbivores on oak trees. Ecology. 97:427-438. PDF
Agha, M.+, B. Augustine+, J.E. Lovich, D. Delaney, B. Sinervo, M.O. Murphy+, J.R. Ennen, R. Cooper and S.J. Price. 2015. Using motion-sensor camera technology to infer seasonal activity and thermal niche of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Journal of Thermal Biology. 49-50:119-126. PDF
Agha, M.M.+, D. Delaney, J.E. Lovich, J. Briggs, M. Austin, and S.J. Price. 2015. Nelson's big horn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) trample Agassiz's desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) burrow at a California wind energy facility. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences.114:58-62. PDF
Agha, M. +, J. E. Lovich, J. R. Ennen, B. Augustine +, T. R. Arundel, M. O. Murphy +, D. Delaney, J. Briggs, K. Meyer, C. Bjurlin, M. Austin, S. Madrak, L. Tennant, S. J. Price. 2015. Turbines and terrestrial vertebrates: variation in tortoise survivorship between a wind energy facility and an adjacent undisturbed wildland area in the desert southwest (USA). Environmental Management. 56:332-341. PDF
Agha, M.+, M.O. Murphy+, J.E. Lovich, J.R. Ennen, C.R. Oldham+, K. Meyer, C. Bjurlin, M. Austin, S. Madrak, C. Loughran, L. Tennant, and S.J. Price. 2015. The effect of research activities and winter precipitation on defensive voiding behavior of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Wildlife Research. 41(8): 641-649. Contact author for PDF.
Cecala, K.K., S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2015. Stream salamanders accurately assess size-dependent predation threats. Herpetologica. 71(3): 184-189. PDF
Fleckenstein, L.J.*, M. Agha+, and S.J. Price. 2015. Terrapene carolina. Diet. Herpetological Review. 46:85. PDF
Lovich, J.E., J.R. Ennen, C.B. Yackulic, K. Meyer-Wilkins, M. Agha+, C. Loughran, C. Bjurlin, M. Austin, and S. Madrak. 2015. Not putting all their eggs in one basket: bet-hedging despite extraordinary annual reproductive output of desert tortoises. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. PDF
Oldham, C.R.+, S.J. Price, W.A. Boys*, and L.J. Fleckenstein*. 2015. Regina septemvittata (Queensnake). Defensive behavior/death-feigning. Herpetological Review. 46(2):276-277. PDF
Price, S.J., C.R. Oldham+, W.M. Boys*, and L.J. Fleckenstein*. 2015. First record of snake fungal disease in Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science. 76:47-8. Contact author for PDF.
Akins, C.D.*, C.D. Ruder*, S.J. Price, L.A. Harden, J.W. Gibbons, and M.E. Dorcas. 2014. Factors affecting temperature variation and habitat use in free-ranging diamondback terrapins. Journal of Thermal Biology. 44:63-69. PDF
Barrett, K., and S.J. Price. 2014. Urbanization and stream salamanders: a review, conservation options, and research needs. Freshwater Science. 33:927-940. PDF
Guzy, J.+, S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2014. Using multiple methods to assess detection probabilities of riparian-zone anurans: implications for monitoring. Wildlife Research. PDF
Hime, P.M.+, and S.J. Price. 2014. Aneides aeneus. Death feigning/immobility. Herpetological Review. 45:470. PDF
Hime, P.M.+, A.N. Drayer, and S.J. Price. 2014. Necturus maculosus. Larval guarding. Herpetological Review. 45:474. PDF
Lovich, J.E., M. Agha+, C. B. Yackulic, K. Meyer, C. Bjurlin, J.R. Ennen, T.R. Arundel, and M. Austin. 2014. Nest site characteristics, nesting movements, and lack of long-term nest site fidelity in Agassiz’s desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) at a wind energy facility in southern California. California Fish and Game. 100:402-414. PDF
Lovich, J.E., D.E. Delaney, J. Briggs, M. Agha+, and J. Reece. 2014. Black bears (Ursus americanus) as a novel potential predator of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) at a California wind energy facility. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science. 113:34-41. PDF
Lovich, J.E., W. Gibbons, and M. Agha+. 2014. Does the timing of attainment of maturity influence sexual size dimorphism and adult sex ratio in turtles? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 112:142-149. PDF
Lovich, J.E., C.B. Yackulic, J. Freilich, M. Agha+, M. Meulblok, K.P. Meyer, T.R. Arundel, J. Hansen, M.S. Vamstad and S.A. Root. 2014. Climatic variation and tortoise survival: has a desert species met its match? Biological Conservation. 169:214-224. PDF
Maigret, T.A.+, J.J. Cox, D.R. Schneider, C.D. Barton, S.J. Price, and J.L. Larkin. 2014. Effects of timber harvest within streamside management zones on salamander populations in ephemeral streams of southeastern Kentucky. Forest Ecology and Management. 324:46-51. PDF
Muncy, B.L.+, S.J. Price, S.J. Bonner, and C.D. Barton. 2014. Mountaintop removal mining reduces stream salamander occupancy and richness in southeastern Kentucky (USA). Biological Conservation. 180:115-121. PDF
Muncy, B.L.+, S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2014. Capture probability and survivorship of the southern two-lined salamander (Eurycea cirrigera) in drought and non-drought conditions. Copeia. 2014:366-371. PDF
Price, S.J., J.L. Snodgrass, and M.E. Dorcas. 2014. Managing aquatic habitats for wildlife in urban areas. In R. McCleery, C. Moorman, and N. Peterson (eds), Urban Wildlife Science: Theory and Practice. Springer. PDF
Witczak, L.R.*, J.C. Guzy+, S.J.Price, J.W. Gibbons, and M.E. Dorcas. 2014. Temporal and spatial variation in survivorship of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin). Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 13:146-151. PDF
Cecala, K.K.*, S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2013. Modeling the effects of life-history traits on estimation of population parameters for a cryptic species. Freshwater Science. 32:116-125. PDF
Guzy, J.C., S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2013. The spatial configuration of greenspace affects semi-aquatic turtle occupancy and species richness in a suburban landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning. 117:46-56. PDF
Hunt, S.D.*, J.C. Guzy, S.J. Price, B.J. Halstead, E.A. Eskew*, and M.E. Dorcas. 2013. Responses of riparian reptile communities to damming and urbanization. Biological Conservation. 157:277-284. PDF
Richter, S.C., S.J. Price, C.S. Kross, J.R. Alexander and M.E. Dorcas. 2013. Upland habitat quality and historic landscape composition influence genetic variation of a pond-breeding salamander. Diversity. 5:724-733. PDF
Price, S.J., J.C. Guzy, L. Witzcak* and M.E. Dorcas. 2013. Do ponds on golf courses provide suitable habitat for wetland-dependent animals? An assessment of turtle abundances. Journal of Herpetology. 47:243-250. PDF
Eskew, E.A.*, S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2012. Effects of river-flow regulation on anuran occupancy and abundance in riparian zones. Conservation Biology. 26:504-512. PDF
Foley, S.M.*, S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2012. Nest-site selection and nest depredation of semi-aquatic turtles on golf courses. Urban Ecosystems. 15:489-497. PDF
Kern, M.M.*, J.C. Guzy, S.J. Price, S.D. Hunt*, E.A. Eskew*, and M.E. Dorcas. 2012. Riparian-zone amphibians and reptiles within the Broad River Basin of South Carolina. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences. 128:81-87. PDF
Price, S.J., R.A. Browne and M.E. Dorcas. 2012. Resistance and resilience of a stream salamander to supra-seasonal drought. Herpetologica. 68:312-323. PDF
*Connette, G.M, S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2011. Influence of abiotic factors on activity in a larval stream salamander assemblage. Southeastern Naturalist. 10:109-120. PDF
Price, S.J., R.A. Browne and M.E. Dorcas. 2011. Evaluating the effects of urbanisation on salamander abundances using a before-after control-impact design. Freshwater Biology. 57:193-203. PDF
Price, S.J., *K.K. Cecala, R.A. Browne, and M.E. Dorcas. 2011. Effects of urbanization on occupancy of stream salamanders. Conservation Biology. 25: 547-555. PDF
Price, S.J. and M.E. Dorcas. 2011. The Carolina Herp Atlas: an online citizen-science approach to document amphibian and reptile occurrences. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 6:287-296. PDF
Price, S.J., E.A. Eskew*, K.K. Cecala*, R.A. Browne and M.E. Dorcas. 2011. Estimating survival of a streamside salamander: importance of temporary emigration, capture response, and location. Hydrobiologia. 679:205-215. PDF
*Birx-Raybuck, D., S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2010. Pond age and riparian zone proximity influence anuran occupancy of urban retention ponds. Urban Ecosystems. 13:181-190. PDF
*Cecala, K. K., S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2010. Ecology of juvenile Northern watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon) inhabiting low-order streams. Amphibia-Reptilia. 31: 169-174. PDF
*Eskew, E.A., S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2010. Survivorship of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in recently modified suburban landscapes. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 9:244-249. PDF
*Eskew, E.A., S.J. Price and M.E. Dorcas. 2010. Survival and recruitment of semi-aquatic turtles in an urbanized region. Urban Ecosystems. 13: 365-374. PDF
*Cecala, K. K., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2009. Evaluating existing movement hypotheses in linear systems using larval stream salamanders. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:292-298. PDF
Dorcas, M. E., S. J. Price, S. C. Walls, and W. J. Barichivich. 2009. Auditory monitoring of anuran populations. In: K. Dodd (ed.). Amphibian Ecology and Conservation. Oxford University press, Oxford, UK. PDF
*Harden, L. A., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2009. Terrestrial activity and habitat selection of eastern mud turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum) in a fragmented landscape: Implications for habitat management of golf courses and other suburban environments. Copeia 2009:78-84. PDF
*Eskew, E.A., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2008. New distributional records for reptiles and amphibians of the Charlotte Metropolitan area of North Carolina. Herpetological Review 39: 245-246. PDF
Dorcas, M. E. and S. J. Price. 2008. Effective undergraduate-based herpetological research in an urban environment. In R. E. Jung and J. C. Mitchell (eds.), Urban Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation Vol. 3, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Salt Lake City, UT. PDF
*Hester, J. M., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2008. Effects of relocation on movements and home ranges of eastern box turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72: 772-777. PDF
*Pittman, S. E., *A. L. Jendrek, S. J. Price, M. E. Dorcas. 2008. Habitat selection and site fidelity of Cope's Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) at the aquatic-terrestrial ecotone. Journal of Herpetology. 42:378-385. PDF
Price, S. J. 2008. Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). In: J. Jensen, C. D. Camp, J. W. Gibbons, and M. Elliot (eds.), Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia. University of Georgia Press. Athens, GA. PDF
*Westfall, M.C., *K.K. Cecala, S.J. Price, and M.E. Dorcas. 2008. Patterns of Trombiculid mite (Hannemania dunni) parasitism among Plethodontid salamanders in the Western Piedmont of North Carolina. Journal of Parasitology 94:631-634. PDF
*Cecala, K. K., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2007. Pseudotriton ruber. Polymelia. Herpetological Review 38: 434. PDF
*Cecala, K. K., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2007. The diet of larval red salamanders (Pseudotriton ruber) examined using a non-lethal technique. Journal of Herpetology 41: 741-745. PDF
*Cecala, K. K., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2007. A comparison of the effectiveness of recommended doses of MS-222 (Tricaine Methane Sulfonate) and Orajel® (Benzocaine) for amphibian anesthesia. Herpetological Review 38: 63-66. PDF
Dorcas, M. E., S. J. Price, J. C Beane, and S. S. Cross. 2007. The Frogs and Toads of North Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, NC.
*Failey, E. L., *J.C. McCoy, S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2007. Ecology of turtles inhabiting golf course and farm ponds in the western Piedmont of North Carolina. Journal of North Carolina Academy of Science. 123: 221-232. PDF
*McCoy, J. C., *E. L. Failey, S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2007. An assessment of leech parasitism on semi-aquatic turtles in the western Piedmont of North Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist. 6:191-202. PDF
Price, S. J., R. W. Howe, J. Hanowski, R. R. Regal, G. J. Niemi, and C. R. Smith. 2007. Are anurans of Great Lakes coastal wetlands reliable indicators of ecological condition? Journal of Great Lakes Research. 33(Special Issue 3): 211-223. PDF
*Budischak, S. A., *J. M. Hester, S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2006. Natural history of box turtles, Terrapene carolina, in an urbanized landscape. Southeastern Naturalist. 5:191-204. PDF
Dorcas, M. E., S. J. Price and G. E. Vaughan. 2006. Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Falls Bypassed Reaches in South Carolina. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 122:1-9. PDF
*Gooch, M. M., *A. M. Heupel, S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2006. The effects of survey protocol on detection probabilities and site occupancy estimates of summer breeding anurans. Applied Herpetology. 3:129-142. PDF
*Kirlin, M. S., *M. M. Gooch, S. J. Price and M. E. Dorcas. 2006. Predictors of winter anuran calling activity in the North Carolina Piedmont. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 122:10-18. PDF
*Kornilev, Y. V., S. J. Price, and M. E. Dorcas. 2006. Between a rock and a hard place: responses of eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina) when trapped between railroad tracks. Herpetological Review. 37: 145-148. PDF
*Kornilev, Y. V., S. J. Price, *E. P. Hill, and M. E. Dorcas. 2006. Ambystoma maculatum (spotted salamander): Mortality. Herpetological Review. 37:196. PDF
Price, S. J., M. E. Dorcas, A. L. Gallant, R. W. Klaver and J. D. Willson*. 2006. Three decades of urbanization: Estimating the impact of land cover change on stream salamander populations. Biological Conservation. 133: 436-441. PDF
Price, S. J., D. R. Marks, R. W. Howe, J. Hanowski, and G. J. Niemi. 2005. The importance of spatial scale for conservation and assessment of anuran populations in coastal wetlands of the western Great Lakes. Landscape Ecology. 20:441-454.
Price, S. J. and J. M. Jaskula. 2005. Hemidactylium scutatum. Nesting Ecology. Herpetological Review. 36:159 PDF
Price, S. J. and J. M. Jaskula. 2005. Hemidactylium scutatum. Terrestrial Microhabitat. Herpetological Review. 36:159. PDF
Price, S. J. and J. M. Jaskula. 2002. Hemidactylium scutatum. Record Size. Herpetological Review. 33:298. PDF
Price, S. J. 2000. Geographic Distribution. Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetological Review. 31:249.